
Automated processing: File-Extract
Manufacturer: iba-ag
SKU: 34.010521

Add-on Bundle for automated file extract - Automatically extract measurement data to dat-files or vaious standard formats.

Technical Data:

  • Automated post-processing of files that have been recorded with the iba system
  • Automated extraction of data into different file formats:
    - DAT
    - CSV / TXT
    - MATLAB
    - TDMS
  • Integrated status monitoring


  • Enabled by license
  • The task can be activated via separate license
  • Per license (Bundle) 10 tasks can be executed
  • Only as WIBU license available
  • Requires ibaDatCoordinator version v3.0.0 or higher
  • Requires ibaAnalyzer version v8.0.0 or higher