
ibaDatCoordinator DB
(HarmonizedCode:85235190, ECCN:N, LKZ:DE, AG:N)
Manufacturer: iba-ag
SKU: 34.010520

Automated Data Extraction to SQL-Databases - ibaDatCoordinator Add-On Task to publish time- series and computed values to differen SQL databases automatically

Technical data:

  • 10 Tasks
  • Automatic post-processing of files that have been recorder by means of ibaPDA, ibaQDR, or ibaLogic
  • Automatic Extract to different databases
    - MS SQL Server
    - MySQL / MariaDB
    - Oracle
    - MS Access
    - DB2 UDB
  • Automatic search for signal properties and text-channels
  • Automatic notification when a threshold is exceeded
  • Integrated status monitoring


  • Enabled by license
  • Add-On Job which can be activated via separate license
  • Only as WIBU license available
  • Per license (Bundle) 10 tasks can be executed
  • Countable license