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Strömförsörjning och UPS Trio

DC UPS 24V/10A QUINT-UPS/ 24DC/ 24DC/10 Avbrottsfri strömförsörjning med UPS-IQ teknik. Med UPS-IQ tekniken har man en kontinuerlig övervakning av batteriets status och kan tex på förhand få ett larm innan batteriet slutar att fungera. Flera larmnivåer kan ställas valfritt.

External 24 VDC power supply unit for S7 adapter

External power supply unit for VPN router, S7 adapters and S5 adapters.

Top-hat rail holder short

To install an adapter on a DIN rail. Suitable for ACCON-NetLink-PRO and ACCON-NetLink-USB.

Top-hat rail switch Spider 5TX

Robust Ethernet switch which suits industrial needs
The top-hat rail switches of the Spider family have been developed especially for the use in industrial environment. It is mounted on a DIN top-hat rail. The top-hat rail switches support Ethernet 10 MBit/s and fast Ethernet 100MBit/s. The devices enable the set-up of switched Ethernet networks according to the standard IEEE 802.3 or 802.3u with copper technique.

Top-hat rail switch Spider III 8TX

Robust, industrial grade ethernet switch
The DIN rail switches of the Spider family have been specially developed for use in industrial environments. Thus, the mounting takes place on a DIN rail. The DIN rail switches support Ethernet 10 MBit / s and Fast Ethernet 100 MBit / s. The devices enable the establishment of switched Ethernet networks according to the IEEE 802.3 or 802.3u standard with copper technology.

up to 8 ports configurable
Space-saving, easy and fast installation in tight environments
low power consumption


MARX USB License Dongle (HarmonizedCode:84733080, ECCN:N, LKZ:DE, AG:N)